Human Genetics Informatics (HGI)
Human Genetics
All this requires superb understanding and control of:
- The Sanger’s High Performance Compute architecture (many server farms with thousands of cores)
- The Sanger’s OpenStack Flexible Compute Architecture and how to reliably deploy into it
- Frameworks to run biological pipelines (e.g. Cromwell, NextFlow)
- Frameworks to store, annotate, filter and analyse very large amounts of genomic variant data (e.g. Hail , or more experimental software such as Tachyon)
- Tools to help us view and account for our storage and processing
We rely on Sanger’s systems teams, and cooperate extensively with Sanger core teams and other Sanger program informatics teams such as Cancer Informatics and Cell Gen Informatics to share experience and practice.
We aim to deliver data in a reliable way and continously improve how and what we deliver. One thing is clear – we can no longer hand over vcf files and call it a day! Interested? Come talk to us!
Core team

Mr Sendu Bala
Principle Software Developer

Allan Daly
Senior Bioinformatician

Dr Ruth Eberhardt
Senior Bioinformatician

Dr Matiss Ozols
Principal Bioinformatician

Dr Mark Thomas
Principal Bioinformatician
Previous core team members

Piyush Ahuja
Senior Software Developer

Dr Pavlos Antoniou
Principal Software Developer

Irina Gabriela Colgiu
Senior Software Developer

Mr Daniel Joseph Elia
Sandwich Year Placement / Software Developer

Dr Edgar Garriga Nogales
Senior Bioinformatician

Christopher Harrison
Senior Software Developer

Emyr James
Principal Systems Administrator / Principal DevOps Engineer

Filip Makosza
Sandwich Year Placement

Dr Guillaume Noell
Senior Software Developer

Colin Nolan
Former Group Leader (Acting)

Dr Hannes Ponstingl
Principal Bioinformatician

Dr Joshua C. Randall
Senior Scientific Manager