Anopheles Reference Genomes Project
The Anopheles Reference Genomes project builds highly complete and contiguous long-read assemblies for Anopheles species to remedy fundamental gaps in vector control, and identify a scalable blueprint for future assembly efforts.
These data (including raw data and assemblies) are released for reuse for any purpose upon deposition in ENA, and we encourage reuse.
We seek to rapidly publish all submitted assemblies as Wellcome Open Research Genome Notes, which can be cited.
Using a combination of PacBio HiFi, Hi-C, and linked read data as well as full length IsoSeq RNAseq where possible, we are able to create some of the highest quality reference genomes available for any insect using wild-caught specimens and/or their broods.
Our techniques allow us to achieve this with just one or two individual mosquitoes.
Call for 10 additional Anopheles species
Thanks to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, we have funding to generate reference genomes for any Anopheles vector species.
Please get in touch if you have access to live malaria vector specimens from anywhere in the world requiring a reference genome. You can do this by filling in this form: tinyurl.com/AnophelesRefGenomes
Thank you!
Anopheles Reference Genomes released so far
We now have released reference genomes for:
- An. aquasalis
- An. bellator
- An. coustani
- An. cruzii
- An. darlingi
- An. funestus
- An. gambiae
- An. maculipalpis
- An. marshallii
- An. moucheti
- An. nili
- An. ziemanni.
These genomes and their accompanying raw data can be accessed here: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/PRJEB51690
These are undergoing annotation by NCBI RefSeq and Ensembl and are becoming available via VectorBase (a VEuPathDB project).
Sanger people

Dr Mara Lawniczak
Senior Group Leader

Dr Alex Makunin
Computational Staff Scientist

Mr Martin Gorry Wagah
PhD Student
External partners and funders