
Tarchecksum checks that all the files within a tar archive are identical to the files on disk in the directory that was archived.

Tarchecksum checks that all the files in a tar archive are identical to the files in the directory that was tarred up. It achieves this by calculating the checksums (md5) on all the files in a tar archive on the fly and comparing them against the checksums of the original files. In case the checksums don't match, it prints an error message for that file. Optionally it takes also a --exclude parameter, which tells it to exclude some files from the checks.


It is available for download from GitHub Repository.

Further information

Tarchecksum is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public license, version 3 or greater (AGPLv3+).


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Sanger Institute Contributors

Previous contributors

Photo of Irina Gabriela Colgiu

Irina Gabriela Colgiu

Senior Software Developer

Photo of Colin Nolan

Colin Nolan

Former Group Leader (Acting)