This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
After having worked as a software developer in the web based training industry for several years, I studied computer science and bioinformatics at the University of Hamburg, Germany.
In Prof. Stefan Kurtz's genome informatics group, I designed, implemented and extended software for de novo identification and annotation of LTR retrotransposons using index-based sequence analysis techniques. This resulted in an improved version of LTRharvest as well as the additional orthogonal tools LTRdigest and LTRsift which aim to provide a workflow for de novo identification and annotation of LTR retroelements. As a basis for these tools, I also worked on various methods and tools for efficient sequence storage and annotation handling, with a particular focus on software engineering to maximise efficiency and reusability of the implemented code in a free toolkit called GenomeTools.
I joined the parasite genomics group in December 2013 to work on automatic parasite genome annotation, particularly of trypanosomatids. For this task I use state of the art technologies for sequence analysis, workflow processing, and web development to deliver useful software tools to the parasitology community.