Dr Lewis D B Evans, PhD
Senior Staff Scientist
Lewis is conducting functional genomics projects focused on neurodegeneration, as part of the Open Targets initiative at the Sanger Institute. His research takes an interdisciplinary approach encompassing molecular techniques, cell biology, and computational methods to map the relationships between neurodegenerative phenotypes and gene networks associated with disease. He has developed whole-genome CRISPR phenotypic screens using human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived neurons that recapitulate aspects of neurodegeneration. These screens aim to improve diagnosis, identify novel targets, and help in the design of innovative gene and cell therapies.
Prior to joining the Sanger Institute, he obtained his PhD at the University of Glasgow, Dept. of Biochemistry investigating enzyme structure and function with a range of biophysical techniques. After this, he performed postdoctoral research at the University of Cambridge in the Dept. of Pathology and Gurdon Institute. Leading to research on Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) using neuronal cell models harbouring causal mutations for early onset AD. Lewis went on to study rare congenital neurological conditions using iPSC derived neurons at Great Ormond Street Hospital Institute of Child Health (UCL).
Lewis is also interested in using visual arts in scientific communication, from new ways to visualise experimental data to projects working with artists.