Multilocus Targeted Sequencing Amplicon Panel.
Malaria Vector Genomics
Understanding the diversity, distribution, and transmission roles of malaria vector species is essential for developing impactful, locally tailored interventions. Different vector species display unique behaviours such as indoor versus outdoor biting, resting patterns, and host feeding preferences which make a one-size-fits-all control approach ineffective. These behaviours can also vary spatially within the same species. My research focuses on genomic diversity of malaria vectors in the world’s most malaria-prone regions. I use ANOSPP, an advanced multi-locus amplicon sequencing panel, to simultaneously identify mosquito species and the malaria parasites they carry. This approach provides crucial insights for designing more targeted and effective vector control strategies.
My timeline
Joined Sanger as a student of MPhil in Genomic Sciences under the supervision of Dr. Mara Lawniczak
Joined University of cambridge for MPhil in Biolological sciences (@Sanger)
Joined Ifakara Health Institute as Research Officer in Malaria Entomology in Nicodemus Govella group
Completed BSc. Biotechnology and Laboratory Sciences at Sokoine University of Agriculture