
mpistat is a tool for efficiently gathering file system statistics from distributed parallel file systems using a large number of worker nodes.

Gathering statistics (i.e. `stat` output) from large distributed parallel file systems such as Lustre can take a very long time when run on an individual machine. We developed mpistat to be able to take advantage of the parallel nature of such filesystems by running the `stat` operations in parallel across a large number of worker nodes, using MPI to distribute the work.


Source code to mpistat can be obtained from its GitHub Repository

Further information

mpistat is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later (GPLv2+).


If you need help or have any queries, please contact us using the details below.

Issues or questions regarding mpistat should be directed to its GitHub Issues Page

Sanger Institute Contributors

Previous contributors

Photo of Emyr James

Emyr James

Principal Systems Administrator / Principal DevOps Engineer