When I first started at the Sanger Institute, I joined Matt Hurles’ team as a postdoctoral fellow to work mainly on structural variations in the 1000 Genomes Project. Later I moved to Nicole Soranzo’s team as a statistical geneticist to work on many different aspects in the UK10K project, especially variant sites and sample QC, association analyses of common and rare variants, population structure, loss-of-function variants and large deletions.
My timeline
Senior Staff Scientist at Sanger Institute
Staff Scientist at Sanger Institute
PhD in Comparative Genomics (University of Cambridge)
Postdoctoral Fellow at Sanger Institute
MSc in Statistics (University of Sheffield)
Database Manager/Statistician at Department of Pathology (University of Cambridge)
Diploma in Statistics (Open University)
Internship at EBI
Mag.rer.nat. in Mathematics and Physical Education (University of Vienna)