Dr Marcela Uliano-Silva
Senior Bioinformatician
Senior Bioinformatician working on assembling the genomes of the eukaryotic diversity of Britain and Ireland in the Darwin Tree of Life Project (DToL). Marcela’s main research interests are (i) mechanisms of genome evolution, (ii) the improvement of genome assembly pipelines and (iii) actions towards inclusion and diversity in science. Marcela was MSCA Fellow (2017-2019) in Germany, is a TED Fellow since 2014 and co-chair of the Diversity, Inclusion & Justice Committee of the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP).
My timeline
Senior Bioinformatician Sanger Institute (2019 to present)
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Individual Fellowship (Horizon2020) - Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research and Berlin Center for Genomics and Biodiversity Research (BeGenDiv) (2017-2019)
PhD in Biological Sciences (Biophysics) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2017)
TED Fellow - Science communcation