Research areas
Our group is currently investigating
Clonal trajectories to blood cancers. We are exploring when different types of blood cancers commence their growth during the lifetime of patients. Studying the somatic mutation phylogenies, selection landscape and clonal evolutionary dynamics across haematological diseases and cancers will better inform effective early intervention strategies.
Methylation dynamics in normal tissues. We are studying how the methylome changes over the human lifespan in healthy and diseased tissues using a phylogenetic approach.
Personalised cancer modelling. We continue to enhance our blood cancer prognostic tools and build further predictive models for other cancers.
Jyoti's career
Jyoti studied Medicine at Cambridge University (St John’s College), and subsequently trained as a Haematologist. She undertook a PhD at the University of Cambridge and Sanger Institute where she developed a passion for genomics. During her PhD, she discovered CALR mutations in the vast majority of patients with JAK2 unmutated myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). Testing for CALR mutations in clinical practice is now routine and in international WHO guidelines.
Utilising cancer genetics to support clinical decision-making is a critical application of genetic sequencing technologies, and following her PhD, she worked on the development of an accurate online personalised predictor of prognosis for patients with blood cancer by integrating clinical and genomic parameters.
In 2017, she became a Cancer Research UK Clinicial Scientist and started a group at the Sanger Institute, initially focussing on studying the trajectories to blood cancer. In 2020, she became a Principal Investigator at the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. She is now a Group Leader within the Cancer, Ageing and Somatic Mutation Programme at the Sanger.
She is also a Consultant Haematologist and treats patients with chronic myeloid malignancies at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. She is a member of the myeloproliferative neoplasm clinical study subgroup of the National Cancer Research Institute and contributes to the writing of national guidelines for myeloproliferative neoplasms in the UK. Her team leads the molecular analysis of clinical trials for patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms
My timeline
Cancer Research UK Advanced Clinician Scientist Fellow
Group Leader | Cancer, Ageing and Somatic Mutation | Wellcome Sanger Institute
Group Leader | Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute | University of Cambridge
Honorary Consultant Haematologist | Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Cancer Research UK Clinician Scientist Fellow
PhD | University of Cambridge
Consultant Haematologist
Translational Research Training in Haematology Fellow | ASH-EHA
Johnstone & Florence Stoney Scholarship | British Federation of Women Graduates
Member of the Royal College of Pathologists
Academic Clinical Fellow | Haematology
MB BChir | University of Cambridge
BA Class 1st | St John's College | University of Cambridge