Wellcome Sanger Institute

Sanger Institute welcomes Wellcome's new science strategy

Director Mike Stratton outlines the opportunities and continuing support that Wellcome's new strategy provides for Sanger researchers

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On Tuesday (Wellcome announced the final outcome of their science review. We were delighted to see the ambition and direction from this new vision and strategy. Wellcome’s new vision is to support science to solve the urgent health challenges facing everyone.

This science review has been led by Jim Smith, Director of Science at Wellcome. The review identified three additional challenge areas on which Wellcome will focus: infectious disease, mental health, and the health impact of global heating. These new challenge areas sit alongside a continued commitment to fund a broad range of discovery research.

This new strategy represents Wellcome’s roadmap for the next 10-15 years, during which they will spend over £1bn each year. The Sanger Institute is supported by a recurrent quinquennial core grant from Wellcome and while some of our research aligns with these new challenge areas, much of our science will continue to be ‘discovery research’.

Alongside the refreshed science strategy there will be a simplification of funding schemes, more partnership working and additional focus on supporting early career researchers. A positive research culture, and principles of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion underpin this new strategy which should provide Sanger scientists with the freedom, flexibility and environment to pursue their best ideas.

Sanger Institute research is central to Wellcome’s ambitions. This is reflected in Wellcome’s continued commitment to funding discovery science. This is an exciting time to be in science, and be tasked with solving some of society’s biggest problems.

For additional information see Wellcome https://wellcome.org/news/wellcomes-bold-ambitions-improve-health-through-our-new-strategy

Professor Sir Mike Stratton

Director of the Wellcome Sanger Institute
Chief Executive, Wellcome Genome Campus

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