I am applying single-nucleus transcriptomics and spatial transcriptomics approaches to study spinal cord injury in mouse model. I mainly focus on understanding the responses of distinct cell types and their interactions in a spatiotemporal manner during acute and chronic phases of SCI.
I graduated from the Molecular Biology and Genetics Graduate Program of Izmir International Biomedicine and Genome Institute (IBG) at Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey). During my PhD, I investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying central nervous system (CNS) regeneration by using transcriptomics approaches and zebrafish as a model organism.
My timeline
Postdoctoral Fellow @ Wellcome Sanger Institute, Bayraktar Group
Research Associate @ Wellcome Sanger Institute, Bayraktar Group
PhD Molecular Biology and Genetics @ Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Institute
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow @ Brazma Group, European Bioinformatics Institute
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow @ Papatheodorou Team, European Bioinformatics Institute (FEBS-STF)
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow @ Papatheodorou Team, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBO-STF)