

An interactive Java application for generating circular and linear representations of genomes.

DNAPlotter can be used to generate images of circular and linear DNA maps to display regions and features of interest. The images can be inserted into a document or printed out directly. As this uses Artemis it can read in the common file formats EMBL, GenBank and GFF3.

Archive Page

This page is maintained as a historical record and is no longer being updated.

This page was archived in 2022



Please see our GitHub page for download and installation instructions.

Further information

For more information and advice on using this software please see the Artemis manual and our GitHub page.

In addition, an email discussion list called artemis-users is available and posts to the list since September 2001 are archived at

DNAPlotter is available under GPL3.

If you make use of this software in your research, please cite as:

DNAPlotter: circular and linear interactive genome visualization.

Carver T, Thomson N, Bleasby A, Berriman M and Parkhill J

Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 2009;25;1;119-20
PUBMED: 18990721; PMC: 2612626; DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn578


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If you need help or have any queries, please contact us using the details below.

Our normal office hours are 8:30-17:00 (GMT) Monday to Friday.